Sunday 11 April 2010

I apologise

I apologise, Easter caught up with me and seeing family too. So I couldnt post. Anyway here is the latest!

Saturday 3 April 2010

DIY boutique isn't a glitch!

So it isn't a glitch then. They fit in with the trashion fashion theme. I have to say the clothes in the trashion fashion theme. Aren't the best stardoll have released.
Apparently we get these two outfits if we buy the new project runway wii game. Another sad way of advertising stardoll. I have to say you are getting tackier and tackier by the day. No doubt the clothes will soon become rare!

Lipstick magazine spoiler!

It's amazing! Even I cant photoshop, I use GIMP 2.6!

Stardoll is so tacky!

Look what I found when I was on my friends account. Super super super tacky! Stardoll want our money and are conning us out of it! They are using super_girl too. The so called teenagers account. More like the admins secret account!

New Campaign?

There could be a campaign coming. Hopefully we will get the dress on the cover. Not so sure about the sneakers though. I wonder what the book is about? Anyway your opinion?

Friday 2 April 2010


Hey guys, I'm sorry for not posting for the last few days. Homework was getting in the way.
I know you guys probably know my name by now and if not it is Charlotte. Even so I thought you should know a bit more about me, considering I am the only current blogger.
Here it goes:
Name: Charlotte
Age: 11
Date of birth: 19/09/98
Hometown: Newcastle, Gateshead. England, United Kingdom
Current living area: Perth, Australia.
Anything else you want to know about just ask me.
xxx Charlotte